How to ensure a successful test day

  • Your examiner knows you are likely to be nervous. They can tell the difference between test nerves and someone who is a nervous driver. Don’t let a few test butterflies fool you into thinking you’re doomed to fail. The examiner is NOT the enemy. They are not out to “get you” Their only aim is to be sure that you’re not a danger to yourself or others. They’re not trying to trick you into making mistakes or test you on anything that your instructor isn’t confident you can do. You won’t be asked to do anything you haven’t done countless times during lessons. So, relax!
  • The examiner is NOT looking for a perfect drive – they are looking for a SAFE & COMPETENT drive. Be assured of your own ability, you wouldn’t be on test if you weren’t ready. Do not be overly confident!
  • If you are making a decision you think the examiner should be aware of why you are doing it, tell them! E.g. “The other driver has indicated for me to go, so I will make my own checks and providing it’s safe I will go”
  • If you think you have made a mistake – FORGET IT! While you’re pondering on something you think you might have done, you’re not concentrating on what you are doing now.
  • Take your time, it’s not a race. Do everything calmly and in your own time, giving you time to think and make good decisions, there is no time limit to any part of your drive.
  • Good all-round observations, mirror checks and lane control are vital during all of your test, ensure you are reacting appropriately. Pay attention to what you’re being asked to do, and what’s happening on the road – and you’ll be fine.
  • Your examiner knows how disappointing it is to fail and will be only too delighted if you pass.

To calm your nerves on test day

Eat something. You may have a fluttery stomach and not want to eat, but feeling light-headed with a gurgling stomach is the last thing you want. Sustained concentration takes a lot of energy. Having just a light breakfast or a snack will keep your blood sugar at the right level and also help you to concentrate.

Take a walk. Brisk exercise encourages your brain to release endorphins, which help your body to relax and have a calming effect on your brain. A trot around the local park before your test will help keep you calm.

Avoid too much coffee or other highly caffeinated drinks directly before your test. Much as you imagine it will keep you alert, it can make you jittery and less relaxed.

Toilets – Yes, there is a toilet you can use at the test centre before you start.


  1. The examiner will introduce himself/herself and ask if it’s okay if they call you <YOUR NAME> or if you would prefer to be called by something else
  2. Driving Licence Check (ensuring it is valid, it looks like you and a confirmation the address is correct and the email address is correct for the report to go to afterwards)
  3. Signing the declaration you are a UK resident and the car is legal for test purposes
  4. The examiner will ask you if you would like your instructor to accompany you on the test
  5. The examiner will ask you to show him/her to the car
  6. You will be asked to read a number plate from a distance of 20.1 metres
  7. The examiner will ask you to get into the car and make yourself comfortable while they make some checks, but do not start the engine yet.
  8. The examiner will get into the car and explain something like …

The test will last about 38 to 40 minutes and will include about 20 minutes of independent driving and various roads and traffic conditions. I will ask you to complete one manoeuvre and we may carry out an emergency stop. The sort of things you’ve been practising with your instructor.”

  1. A Sat-Nav may be setup on the dashboard, if not you will be asked to follow road signs
  2. The examiner will ask you ONE question from the “Tell Me” questions …

“Now I’d like to ask you one question about your vehicle and other matters relating to vehicle safety. The second question will be a ‘show me’ question on the move.”

  1. The examiner will then state, “Shortly I’d like you to drive for some distance independently. I’d like you to follow a series of directions from the sat nav OR follow traffic signs directing you to <Place Name> please. Continue to follow the sat nav/traffic signs until I tell you otherwise. Throughout the drive continue ahead, unless traffic signs direct you otherwise, and when I want you to turn left or right I will tell you in plenty of time. Move off when you are ready, please.”

During the test you will have a minimum of – 

o     1 x SHOW ME QUESTION while on the move


o     ANGLED START (moving off from behind a parked car)

o     1 x MANOUVRE