You must give 48 hours notice whenever possible if you wish to cancel or rearrange a driving lesson, otherwise you will be liable to pay for 100% of the lesson fee, except in genuine extenuating circumstances or instructor discretion.

Customers who continually cancel lessons late or are not present at the time of their booked lesson will no longer be accepted as a customer of the driving school, have access to the ‘TotalDrive’ app revoked and their details deleted.

You must pay for any pre-booked tuition at least 48 hours before the start of lessons, otherwise the lesson will be cancelled and offered to other pre-paid students. You will be charged a £10.00 administration fee for non-payment.


We reserve the right to amend driving lessons if we are unable to keep the appointment in the event of pre-booked driving tests, mechanical breakdown, sickness, pre-booked holidays or due to immovable traffic.



If the hours paid for have not been used within a 6 month period, they will expire and be forfeited.

Eating is not permitted in the car. This includes (but is not limited to) crisps and chocolate. Please ensure any drinks you bring on a lesson have a secure lid which is kept securely fastened whilst the car is in motion.

You agree not to use a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or other electronic communication device when the cars’ ignition or engine is switched on. Please ensure devices have notification sounds, lights, LEDs and vibrations switched off.

Your instructor reserves the right to withhold the use of the training vehicle for a lesson, if in the opinion of the instructor the customer is lacking in personal hygiene, wearing inappropriate/dirty clothing, under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. In any of these circumstances the lesson will not go ahead and you will forfeit the lesson fee as the lesson will be deemed to be a late cancellation on your part.

Your instructor reserves the right to withhold the use of the training vehicle for the practical test, if in the opinion of the instructor the customer is not at test pass standard.

Please be aware that as the driver you are legally responsible for any fines and/or points obtained from Road Traffic Act contraventions or local council/police issued Penalty Charge Notices (PCN)

As the Driver it is your legal responsibility to hold a valid UK provisional or full EU driving licence, you have not been disqualified and you are not on a ban.

Non-EU full foreign driving licences are only valid if you have been resident in the UK for less than 12 months.

Should you cause any kind of interior or exterior damage to the car that was avoidable, you will be liable towards the costs of cleaning and/or repair.

Before booking practical Driving Tests, an ADI reference number will be supplied to confirm the readiness of the customers driving ability for practical test and for use of the Driving School vehicle(s).